Juegos Descargables
- Rocketmen: Axis of Evil
Contenido Añadido
- PixelJunk Monsters Encore
- Rock Band
- “Date with the Night” - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- “It Hurts” - Angels & Airwaves
- “This Ain’t A Scene, It’s An Arms Race” - Fall Out Boy
- Scene Pack 01
- Guitar Hero III: Muse Track Pack
Demos de Juegos
- HAZE Demo
- The Bourne Conspiracy Demo
- GRID Demo
Vídeos de Juegos
- WipEout HD Trailer
- PLAYSTATION 3 “What You Need” Video
- Mirror’s Edge Gameplay Trailer
- Mercenaries 2 Payback Trailer
- Overlord Raising Hell Trailer
- The Wheelman Trailer
- TNA iMPACT! Gamers’ Day Trailer
Trailers de Películas
- Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Teaser Trailer
- The Love Guru
- Iron Man Trailer 2
Themes de PS3
- PixelJunk Monsters Wallpapers (x2)
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